Based in Grimsby, Global Shipping Warehousing & Storage has been one of Whichwarehouses trusted logistics members for a number of years now.
With facilities of 235,000 sq ft, this fantastic logistics company have assisted Whichwarehouse clients in a number of logistics requirements for companies large and small.
After the strain of 2013 for many warehouse operators Whichwarehouse spoke to Global Shipping Warehousng & Storage about how they found last year and what their thoughts are for the industry in 2014.
As with many that Whichwarehouse have interviewed, Global explained that they majority of their customers now are within E-commerce, selling their products online. Whichwarehouse has noticed a massive increase in e-fulfilment requirements over the past couple of years with many businesses opting to sell their goods online and reduce their overheads.
When asked what was the most difficult things Global has faced as an operator they explained that for them manpower has been their biggest concern, even seeking help from government support.
Global Shipping Warehousing & Storage have put many new systems in place over the past couple of years to improve their services, being proactive and ensuring they can offer their customers more for their money. Some such systems are Intergrated linnworks, upgraded scanner systems and a cheaper and better range of courier services.
In 2013 Global moved into a larger facility which they feel was the most noticable change lat year for them. They do not think the economic situation over the past few years has affected the logistics in a negative way, in fact quite the opposite. They think it is better, as more and more people are buying online rather than high street, as online prices are cheaper, which in terms means online business is growing at a fast pace and online sellers will need some sort of services to store their goods and help them to dispatch. This is great news for the logistics industry and fulfilment houses in particular.
Global explained that with all of the online shops now appearing there is no doubt that they need a storage warehouse and services to help them dispatch the stock. Of course they will seek for the right services for their requirements, as we know that there are more and more fulfillment services opening as we speak. Each have their own good points, and we are all competing each other however at the end of the day its all about trust and if the service and quote is good for the clients.
Over the past few interviews with logistics professionals the one thing that stands out is that many logistics companies have noticed an increase in fulfilment services requirements for online businesses. This is clearly the way forward for storage facilities and others simply providing basic storage services rather than order fuflilment for clients should possibly take note and move with the changes occurring into more of a fulfilment based business.