What is the key to modernising your supply chain

Finding a technology partner you can work with for your supply chain solutionssupply chain solutions

Now more than ever, there are more supply chain solutions than problems. That sounds good at first, but choosing among them is its own problem. The key to this problem with solutions is to find a well-qualified technology partner who can work with them to meet their unique business challenges and get their product to market efficiently. Wise directors are evaluating their preferred carriers, their suppliers, and the changing demands of their customers with a mind towards creating a tightly knit, complex network which can meet the needs of all of the companies in the chain (or occasionally in the loop) with the lowest costs and the least number of untrusted links.

The right kind of partners can help improve operational efficiency in many areas, and allow you to come to grips with increased global complexity and ever expanding customer requirements.

With this in mind, isn’t it puzzling why so many companies overlook the need for truly innovative technological solutions to their supply chain challenges?

As a kind of a case study, let us consider a semi-apocryphal company who recently had to re-evaluate their supply chain with an eye towards settling some transportation management problems. Previously, all communications with their carriers had been done manually, either by fax or telephone. They had huge shipment visibility and tracking issues, but were completely unaware of the dangers until they became real problems.

Upon discovering that they needed to take control of a dangerously undermanaged supply chain, they sought proposals from various technology partners. They decided that they needed more than just a technology platform, they needed a dedicated, long term technological partner who could recognise and adapt to changing market conditions and assure both partners of profitability for years to come.

In time, they settled on outsourcing the entire function to a Transportation Management company who was able to bring their own expertise and market position to the table, but also able to recognise and work with the shipping company’s position and strengths.

In the end, neither outsourcing nor technology solutions will work for all companies. Most effective are hybrid solutions that allow external expertise to be brought to bear within the structure of your existing processes and an updated shared management system. Shared, interconnected processes are the cornerstone of a long, successful partnership.




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